Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1-Download TestLink From Here TestLink.UnZip files and rename directory as simple testlink.

2-Download XAMPP Server From here XAMPP Server for Windows.
Unzip Files and run the server by clicking on this xampp_start and test if xampp is running by typing this url(http://localhost)

3-Copy testlink into your(XAMPP\htdocs Directory) \xampp\htdocs folder (e.g. D:\xampp\htdocs\).

4-From your Browser access this url ( http://localhost/testlink/install/index.php) .

5-Click on New installation.

6-Accept the License

7-Verification of System and configuration requirements.

8- Definition of DB access. I am Using MySql Provided By XAMMP Server.

9-Give the credential for Testlink and Database admin.
Testlink admin login/password – admin/admin (or whatever login/password you like)
Database admin login/password – root/<empty> (this is the default login/password of MYSQL for xampp).

Congratulation You have Done!

1 comment:

  1. Taken Help from http://girliemangalo.wordpress.com/2012/03/06/install-testlink-in-windows-machine/
